TO OUR MEMBERSWe truly hope that you and your loved ones are safe and healthy during this time. We are beyond thankful for all your texts, emails, and calls of love and support - we want to hear from you, how are you doing? As a small business, this has been a very difficult experience but we continue to be inspired by you each and everyday.
Last week, one of our members Mike sent us this photo and it took our breath away. Like Mike, may we all channel our fighting spirit to bring us strength, and courage in this time. Thank you to Mike and all of those in our Kru-Munnity who are working the front line. Please know that we are always in your corner! And together we will RISE ABOVE. After making the difficult decision to temporarily close the gyms to ensure the safety of our members, our amazing instructors have stepped in to help you continue staying active and practicing Muay Thai while social distancing. If you haven't seen the videos yet, please check out our channel at You will find conditioning workouts, technique instructions from our Muay Thai champions, kids workouts, and even some guided meditation to help you release stress in this challenging situation. Next week we launch a very exciting interactive virtual class experience that will be exclusive to our members. Imagine taking an instructor lead virtual class WITH your fellow students where you can all punch, kick, sweat, and cheer each other on! Follow us online and stay tuned for more. @krudarmuaythai @krudardonmills As a small business owner closure has hit us hard. Unfortunately government aid has not yet been confirmed, and many small businesses are drowning. For those of you that are able, we humbly ask for your help to stay afloat by maintaining your monthly membership. Please know that your contributions will go towards keeping our Krudar heart beating, and we will do everything we can to provide online classes during this time. Should you wish to reach us about your membership, please send an email to [email protected]. During this time it can be hard to imagine what life will be like on the other side of this. It is also our opportunity to imagine a better world for us all. Just like a fighter who first steps into the ring, we too will be stepping into a new ring of life. Now is the time to let your Muay Thai practice shine through, carry your fighting spirit out to your family and into your community. Let your confidence guide you through this time. Muay Thai has always taught us that when we fall, we can always come back stronger. Rise Above. Team Krudar |